hello goodbye

this post was inspired by the lovely v & co.

*hello to our hometown.
goodbye to our last duty station Newport, RI.

*hello to a super target just minutes away.
goodbye to taking day trips just to get to our favorite places.

*hello to Goodwill. Oh how I have missed u!
goodbye to Savers. I’m forever grateful for all the Jcrew you added to my wardrobe.

*hello to running around the campus of my alma mater. Boomer Sooner!!
goodbye to running buddies and getting to run on the scenic cliff walk.

*hello friendly people where ever you go and southern hospitality
goodbye to people cutting you off in traffic and flipping you off while they do it.

*hello to living close to our family
goodbye to probably never getting to live in the same place as all of our dear military friends again. 😦

*hello to camping and hikes at the wichitas
goodbye to going to the beach whenever we want and taking drives along the waterfront.

*hello to bunking with the in-laws
goodbye to base housing

*hello chick-fil-a, braums ice cream and good mexican food.
goodbye to fresh seafood, frosty freeze, and mike’s pastries.

By the time you read this we’ll have already crossed the Pell Bridge for the very last time. Our first stop on our four day drive will be PA. We’re staying with some of our good  friends from GA. We’ve never had the chance to stay with somebody on our cross country drives before. I am grateful that we get to stay with friends and family this time as we make the journey home.  Makes it a little more fun to know at the end of your eight hour drive you aren’t just checking into a hotel.

Please pray for safe travels for our family. If all goes accordingly we’ll arrive HOME on Sunday. Catch ya’ll on the flip side!!

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